When it comes to protecting your home from the elements, a standard roof simply isn’t enough. Traditional building codes often leave your home vulnerable to severe weather, putting your investment and safety at risk. At Roman Roofing, we understand the importance of going beyond the basics. That’s why we have obtained our Fortified Certification, a voluntary construction and re-roofing program that raises the standard of roofing and strengthens your home against everything from high winds to hurricanes. Here’s why Fortified Certification is a must for your roof.

Why Fortified Certification is Essential for Protecting Your Home's Roof

What is Fortified Certification?

Fortified Certification is a program developed by the Insurance Institute for Business & Home Safety (IBHS). This initiative is designed to enhance the durability of homes and commercial buildings against severe weather conditions, including high winds, hail, hurricanes, and even tornadoes. By opting for a Fortified roof, you’re not just meeting state minimums—you’re ensuring your roof is equipped to handle whatever Mother Nature throws its way, with the exception of the most extreme tornadoes.

Why Traditional Building Codes Fall Short

Most traditional building codes are designed to meet the minimum standards for safety and durability. However, these codes often don’t account for the extreme weather conditions that many homes face today. This leaves your home at risk of significant damage when severe storms hit. Fortified Certification goes above and beyond these minimums, ensuring that your roof is built to withstand the harshest conditions, giving you peace of mind that your home is well-protected.

Key Benefits of Fortified Certification

  1. Superior Protection Against Severe Weather

    • With Fortified Certification, your roof is built to resist high winds, heavy hail, and other severe weather events. This added resilience helps prevent damage and reduces the likelihood of costly repairs after a storm.
  2. Fortified Certified Roofs Exceed State Standards

    • A Fortified roof isn’t just another roofing job—it’s a significant upgrade. By exceeding state building codes, a Fortified roof provides superior durability and long-term protection, ensuring your home is safeguarded against almost any type of severe weather.
  3. Insurance Savings

    • Homes certified with a Fortified roof are more likely to qualify for insurance discounts. Many insurance companies recognize the enhanced protection that a Fortified roof provides and offer reduced premiums as a result. This can lead to substantial savings over time, making Fortified Certification not just a smart investment in safety but also in financial security.
  4. Increased Home Value

    • A Fortified roof can also increase your home’s market value. Potential buyers are often willing to pay a premium for homes that offer added protection and durability, making your investment in Fortified Certification pay off in more ways than one.

The Fortified Certification Process with Roman Roofing

At Roman Roofing, we’re committed to delivering the highest quality roofing solutions. Here’s how our Fortified Certification process works:

  1. Initial Assessment

    • We begin with a thorough inspection of your current roof, identifying any weaknesses or areas that need improvement.
  2. Customized Roofing Plan

    • Based on the assessment, we’ll develop a plan that includes the necessary upgrades to meet Fortified standards. This might involve using stronger materials, improving attachment methods, or adding extra reinforcements.
  3. Professional Installation

    • Our skilled roofing team will execute the plan with precision, ensuring every detail meets the stringent Fortified requirements.
  4. Certification and Savings

    • After installation, an independent third party will verify that your roof meets Fortified standards. Once certified, you’ll receive documentation that can help you secure insurance discounts and add value to your home.

Protect Your Home with Roman Roofing

Choosing Fortified Certification for your roof is more than just a smart decision—it’s an investment in your home’s future. At Roman Roofing, we’re here to guide you through the process, ensuring that your roof is built to last and designed to protect. Don’t leave your home vulnerable to the next storm. Contact us today to learn more about Fortified Certification and how we can help you build a stronger, safer home.