Checking for roof damage

Bad weather poses a threat to our homes, especially when it comes to our roofing systems. While it can be distressing to discover that you have roof damage following a bad storm, it is important to catch such damage early. Assessing your roof after a storm has rolled through can help you address any issues early and avoid costly repair work down the road.

As experts in storm damage restoration, Roman Roofing is full of helpful tips about how to check your roof for damage after a storm and we are happy to share our expertise with you. Below is everything you need to know about assessing your roof when bad weather hits.

Types of Storm Damage

There are many ways that bad weather can impact your roofing system. You may be affected by:

  • Wind: Wind is common with the hurricanes that we see in this area. Unfortunately, it has the potential to cause immense destruction to our roofs. It can lift, curl, or even completely tear off shingles. Shingle damage will leave your home vulnerable to water damage.
  • Hail: Hail can result in loosened shingle granules or cracked and broken shingles.
  • Debris: After a severe storm, you might notice debris on your roof. Branches and tree limbs can dent, crack, and damage your roofing system.

Inspecting the Exterior and Interior of Your Roof

You can conduct a visual assessment of both the exterior and the interior of your roof after a hurricane or severe rainstorm. To check the exterior, you will start out by walking around your house and taking note of any damage, including torn, cracked, or missing shingles. If any of your windows have a good view of your roof, you can check for damage from those windows as well. Be sure to take note of any issues you discover and take pictures if you can.

You can also check for interior damage in attics or on ceilings. Grab your flashlight and keep an eye out for any leaks or water spots.

Don’t Forget to Check Your Gutters

Your gutters are an important part of your roofing system and should be checked for storm damage as well. If you find dents or cracks, you might require gutter replacement services, which our team can happily perform for you.

Hire Roman Roofing to Help with Your Storm Damage Restoration

Do you suspect that you have storm damage? There is no good time to discover roofing trouble, but it can be particularly overwhelming to find that severe weather has damaged your house. When it comes to storm damage restoration, you need the help of expert roofers like the ones at Roman Roofing.

Between our stellar reputation, rave reviews, BBB accreditation, GAF Master Elite contractor status, and dedication to customer satisfaction, you can count on us to help restore your roof. We understand that the roof restoration process can be overwhelming, which is why we strive to make everything as easy and stress free as possible for you. We will provide timely and professional service and will even work with your insurance company to support you throughout the claims process. Reach out today to get a free estimate.